Final Disproof Of All Religions (Real) Recently, a friend asked me: so why dont you believe in our lord and savior. dont you know that if anyone does not love the lord jesus christ let him be accursed our lord come amen To which I replied: Anyway, all religions make fantastical claims and offer literally zero reason to believe they're true So They have that going for them, which is nice It occurred to me that this was an extremely good and succinct statement of why all religions are false, and I should write it down. Thus this post. Having read this post, feel free to instantly become an atheist. Here are some elaborations that are not necessary, but that I thought of: I'm excluding the obvious reason to believe they're true, which is just that other people seem to believe they're true. That's really the only one they've got! And that doesn't count because if you ask them why they believe in the religion, they won't be able to give you any good reason to. I'm also excluding faith healing, and other miracles, because they are not real. They do not occur. They are completely made up. Unlike what some of my stupid friends might claim, I did not arrive at this position using circular reasoning (because I am much smarter than them and not tempted to such things). I arrived at this position by observing that such things never happen, and claims that they have happened tend to propagate like ghost stories and urban tales about a guy who got his kidneys stolen on a date. (Hume's argument against miracles is also valid, however.) I'm also excluding tenuous philosophical arguments. While some of these are not entirely worthless, I think it's also a striking fact that, as far as I can tell, no religions have ever been founded by, or propagated by, these philosophical arguments. They are completely inert with respect to why people believe religions. (Furthermore, if the tenuous philosophical arguments ever do prove something, they usually prove something like "existence exists" or "the beginning of existence happened". And it's only the wishful thinking of religious people who translate this to their religion.) (In case it wasn't clear, the title "Final Disproof Of All Religions" is tongue-in-cheek, and adding "(real)" is just a further flourish of same.) (It is real, though.)