related: Quitin' Taking the no information pledge — perhaps you could call this "No Information December". in its most literal form, which I'm not going to do, it is ceasing the taking on board of any new information however, some details about my life mean that a modified version of this will suit me quite well I think. 1. people are often sending me links, which I often bookmark to deal with later. 2. I have many such bookmarks, 3. and it has recently occurred to me that I don't even enjoy many of them when I do get around to them. and so I have decided to start no information December, to live for a while like a normal person, and if the linked document does not hold my attention for the whole time, I will simply cast it aside at the end of my interest. I may take more extreme measures, like not even clicking on links in the first place, or not even going into contexts where I think there will be a lot of new links. (Perhaps, then, you could call this "no links december".) perhaps I will even get through more of my own links under this new system. exceptions will be made for things I find truly intriguing. (This may seem silly, but consider: it's so much easier to take the no information pledge when you give yourself an easy out like this! You're giving up nothing, only things that ultimately you were kind of mistaken to value, anyway.)