
Contacting me

I have deliberately not included any contact information on this page in order to create a small barrier to sending me communications, because in general I already have too many of them! However, it may be possible for you to figure out how to contact me, and contact me about:

Blog posts or other topics of interest

I assume most communications I get will be from someone reading one of my blogposts and wanting to send me an attaboy. Thanks! Note also that, although the process is a little confusing, the way to “comment” on my blogposts is to submit a pull request to https://github.com/wyattscarpenter/blog/pulls on Github. This can either be a correction, like fixing a typo or error; or a comment, which I will add to a comment section (probably a second text document bi-directionally linked to the first) or possibly a parenthetical in the main text. This will have your name or pseudonym attached, and everyone will be able to read it, for their edification. Note: by doing such a pull request, you agree to release your contribution into the public domain under CC0. Also note: I am willing to include digital signatures in your comment if such a thing is important to you. It is completely OK to leave a comment this way that is just an attaboy!

If you instead email me a comment about a blog post, I will not add it to the comment section without asking you first. I may include corrections or minor inspired-elaborations (ie, if you ask me to elaborate something in the email and I realize a portion of my blog post was previously unclear) from your email into my blog post without asking you explicit permission, however.

Please note that if you contact me this way, I probably will not respond very loquaciously. I will probably respond back with “Nice!” or “I’ll consider it”. This is to let you know that I have seen and appreciate what you said, but don’t have much further to say in response.

Please also do not send me mean messages. If you are angry or disappointed with me, please refrain from mentioning this. It’s just not worth it. It’s fine to politely mention you think I’m factually wrong or confused or something, however.

Hiring me

If you’re interested in hiring me, email me.

I’m available for hire as a consultant! (My rates are high in part because I’m already employed)

Payment should generally be in advance. Discount rates may be available for friends, family, and peculiar circumstance. I’m open to hearing you out if you want to negotiate on price or services, but if so you must be immediately up-front with me about how much you’re willing to pay and what you want done. Like, put it in your first email to me. Life is short. Ars longa.

You may also email me about full-time or long-term employment opportunities.


If you’re interested in dating me, email me.

I’m especially interested in women who:

If you email me for this, you should overshare in the initial message, to an uncomfortable degree, so that I can figure out who you are (hypothetically, you already know who I am). We should also angle to meet in person as soon as possible, because I don’t get much out of textual conversation.