
Hi, welcome to my programming-themed weblog. To see my real programming projects, check out or

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If you donโ€™t know the C programming language, you may enjoy reading to gain background for many of these posts.

Weblog entries that are about philosophy instead of programming (or in addition to programming) are marked with ๐‹, unicode bold italic lowercase phi. Political philosophy is marked with ๐…๐‹, pi-phi of the aforementioned style.

Weblog entries

2020-08-07: The C Zoo, part 1: reading integers of a given endianness

2020-08-08: A Note On Endianness: in which I take a position on the greatest issue of our time

2020-08-09: A Note On 0-Indexing: in which I take a position on the 1st greatest issue of our time

2020-08-10: The C Zoo, part 2: some quines

2020-08-11: The C Zoo, part 3: foreach

2020-08-12: The C Zoo, part 4: print

2020-08-13: On the seventh day, I rested.

2020-11-12: Wyattโ€™s Or

2020-11-17: Some Good Esoteric Programming Languages

2020-11-18: Some Bad Esoteric Programming Languages

2020-12-21: ๐‹ A Monad Is Just A Struct With Opinions: An Explanation of the So-Called โ€œMonadโ€ of Computer Science, With Connexions to Leibnizโ€™s Monadology

2020-12-25: Print, part 2: the C array folly

2021-02-10: Print, part 3: structs

2021-04-06: Essays On Extremely Specific Questions, part 1: What unix time is it in milliseconds during a leap second, in javascript?

2021-06-07: Essays On Extremely Specific Questions, part 2: Why does the word โ€œpenguinosโ€ have no diaresis in the novel Penguin Island, and is it spanish?

2021-06-13: The C Zoo, part 5: two bookend macros

2021-10-27: The C Zoo, part 6: the strcat folly

2021-11-23: Escaping Mathese

2022-01-09: A Note On The GNU/Linux Naming Controversy: in which I take a position on the greatest issue of the late 1990s - early 2000s

2023-07-08: ๐‹ Chemical Atoms Are Not Philosophical Atoms

2023-10-22: ๐‹ Is It Irrational To Believe In God? Well, I Think So

2023-11-13: On The โ€œGreat Vowel Shortageโ€ In Computer Programming

2023-12-07: Some notes on Hoon and Urbit from 2023

2024-01-01: How To Have Hair

2024-01-07: 0-Indexing 1: a digression on buildings and storeys

2024-01-08: ๐…๐‹ It Literally Canโ€™t Happen Here: in which I review a review of a review of the Third Reich

2024-01-16: Am I The First Guy To Use Computers? Signs Point To Yes

2024-01-19: The Most Interesting Thing In The Waffle House Effect

2024-02-12: Moby-Quick

2024-02-13: ๐‹ My Most Controversial Philosophical View

2024-02-14: ๐‹ A Brief Review Of Martin Heideggerโ€™s Being And Time

2024-03-08: ๐‹ They Say The Simplest Theory Is Always The Best, But How Would You Know?

2024-03-09: ๐‹ Scientific Induction And Sample Size

2024-03-10: ๐‹ On The Twofold Rout Of The Principle Of Sufficient Reason

2024-03-13: ๐‹ Musing About The Beginning Of The World

2024-04-08: ๐‹ Addendum To The Fine-Tuning Argument: Observing Totality

2024-04-14: The Dumbo Principle (in economics) (everything stays price-inelastic for dumb reasons)

2024-04-27: The People Are Afraid Of Listening To Music

2024-05-10: Git Commit Messages Are In The Bare Infinitive

2024-05-11: ๐‹ A Brief Review Of Martin Heideggerโ€™s Being And Time (Joke Version)

2024-05-12: ๐‹ Addendum To The Fine-Tuning Argument 2: Unobserving Aurora Borealis

2024-05-17: ๐‹ Demons Are Not Abstract Objects; They Are Angry Guys Who Donโ€™t Have Bodies (Sometimes)

2024-05-18: ๐…๐‹ Deaths Vs Taxes

2024-05-19: Plastic Earth

2024-06-10: Github Inactions

2024-06-11: ๐‹ Final Disproof Of All Religions (Real)

2024-06-17: Unlocking First Jhana Through A Modern Koan

2024-08-13: ๐‹ The Pirahaฬƒ And Humeโ€™s Argument Against Miracles

2024-08-14: Machines Vs Words

2024-08-15: ๐‹ Effect Size Vs Causality

2024-08-26: My Proclamation Of 2023

2024-09-02: My Proclamation Of 2024

2024-09-07: I Can Feel My Blood

2024-09-10: Quitinโ€™: Or, How I Learned To Stop

2024-09-11: Writing My Gay Little Programs

2024-09-17: ๐‹ Aliefs, Beliefs, Cliefs

2024-09-29: Perfectionist PRs As A Dicey Prospect

2024-10-02: Thinking About The Trump Tariffs

2024-10-03: Constant Incredible Improvement

2024-10-04: On The Threefold Encoding Of Unicode Flags

2024-10-05: ๐…๐‹ Double Standards Of Speech

2024-10-09: ๐‹ Aurora Borealis 2

2024-11-02: The Dark Side Of Comparative Advantage

2024-11-03: The Optimal Level Of Evil Is In Fact Zero

2024-11-27: Taking The No Information Pledge

2024-11-28: Life Should Feel Like Meth

2024-11-29: Life Should Feel Like Meth 2: The Opportunity Cost Corollary

2024-11-30: Trivia: Prolepsis Prolapsus

2024-12-01: Trivia: Games Vs Game Products

2024-12-02: Trump Bible Review

2024-12-14: ๐‹ Guys Who Can Turn Water Into Wine

2024-12-15: Iโ€™m Entering My Jibboo Era

2024-12-16: Levels Of Busyness

2024-12-17: ๐‹ On The Power Of The Understanding With Regards To Motivation

2024-12-23: In Fact, Most Things Are Not What You Would Call Tradeoffs

2024-12-31: New Year, New Me (2025)

2025-01-01: Hypo/ernyms For Reading

2025-01-02: ร… As An Abbreviation For About

2025-01-10: b/y As A Special Symbol For Authorship

2025-01-11: ๐‹ The Transcendent Beauty Of Life Is Very Inconvenient

2025-01-12: ๐‹ Arguments Are Or Are Not Reasons, Which Are Or Are Not The Truth

2025-01-16: ๐‹ The Moral Comportment Of The Propaganda Of A Politician Is A Good Thing To Have

2025-01-25: ๐‹ The Nature Of Virtue

2025-01-30: Thrownness As A Condition To Overcome

2025-02-01: Trivia: Every Comment From ThePhDโ€™s Big Array Size Survey

2025-02-05: Reflections On The Bowling Green Massacre